Student Life

Student Life

SDJU boasts a large number of student groups and campus organizations, which play a big role in the life of both graduate and undergraduate students. Herein lie several which have earnest information available.

Art Groups


The SDJU Just Dance Troupe offers classes in Jazz, Hip-hop, Popping, Locking, Breaking and Waacking Choreography.

The SDJU WES Melbourne Shuffle Club offers lessons at all skill levels; neither experience nor partner is necessary.

Fine Arts

The Orchid Pavilion Calligraphers and Painters is an interesting group exploring the most antiquely graceful art forms produced in China over the centuries.


The Rhythm Maker Crew is a group dedicated to investigating and performing hip-hop culture.


The Muted Theatre Guild is a theatre group that produces dubbing works each year. It is an extra-curricular theatre organization.

The SDJU Dramashop is a theatre group that produces full-scaled plays and student-written student-directed one-acts each year.

The SDJU Time Players is a group of students interested in doing stage play, melodrama, musical drama and comedies at SDJU.


The SDJU Computer Communications and the Media Society was created with the intention of providing student and SDJU community members with the ability to work on website development projects on computers. We offer lectures, seminars and conferences on a variety of topics.


The Flag of China at SDJU, centred on the principles of leadership, friendship and service, provides community service to the SDJU campus.

The Rain Fragrance Student Community Connection is a student organization which provides opportunities for student and community interaction, promotes student awareness of the society, increases class identity, develops student pride and spirit for the support of the country and enhances professional leadership development.

The SDJU Career Services and Professional Advising Society guides students as they explore and prepare for careers and health professions. We empower students to explore their life and career goals by helping them to develop core competences and build professional networks.

The SDJU Enactus Club helps develop new business ventures.

The SDJU Jobs is a group dedicated to help address the problem of résumé composing for all candidates.

The SDJU Little Seagull Program is an SDJU student activity committed to providing opportunities and grants for learning.

Social and Ethnic Groups

The International Students Association. The international Students Association (ISA) at SDJU was established to bring together the greatly diverse international community at SDJU and to support international causes on campus. The ISA works to bring elements from our distinct and richly diverse cultural backgrounds to share them with the SDJU community at a cultural, academic and social level.

The SDJU Kwind is an organization to bring and introduce Korea and its rich culture to the SDJU community.

The SDJU Oral English Club has information and resources about oral English and CET-4. All are welcome and encouraged to join!

Special Interest


The ERP Simulation awards in-kind services to SDJU students with the best new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. It is a student run co-curricular service organization and participates in both interscholastic and national academic team competitions.

The SDJU Debate Team.

The SDJU Strawberry Electronic Sports Club holds computerized video games and introductory LOL, OW and StarCraft lessons.


The OTTK Anime Club provides regular showings of Anime and a gala night each year to its members and the SDJU community at colleges and universities across Lingang.

The SDJU Magic Club is an organization for people who want to learn magic, improve their knowledge of the set of conjuring tricks, and inform others about its benefits.



The SDJU Dragon Boat Team is a varsity sport here at SDJU. We are men and women who steer various events and compete in matches together.


The Cirrus Clouds Nunchaku Club. The Cirrus Clouds Nunchaku Club is devoted to promote mental, physical and spiritual health through a virtuoso set of exercises and improvement of one's moral character.

The SDJU Kyokushin Karate Club provides instruction in Tae Kwon Do to SDJU students, alumni and community.

The SDJU Ping-Pong Club. The SDJU Ping-Pong Club meets every week to practise Ping-Pong, a recreational game of art that emphasizes using well-thought-out strategy to defeat the opponent at the other end of the table.

The SDJU Rubik's Cube Club has regular informal meetings where we operate Rubik's Cube and related skills. Anyone is encouraged to join in the fun.

The SDJU Tae Kwon Do Club. Basic and combined Tae Kwon Do for everyone. Fun and professional practices.

The SDJU Tai Chi Club is the largest Chinese martial arts club on campus.

The SDJU Yi Lei Karate Club is an affiliate of Yi Lei Karate of Shanghai, a commercial organization founded by Li Lei in 2002.
