  • Shanghai Dianji University (SDJU), whose history dates back to 1953, is a public institution of higher learning, with its orientation towards advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, taking engineering as its dominant and coordinately developing other disciplines of economics, management, literature, art and science.

    SDJU has two campuses, Lingang and Minhang, with the total area of nearly 200 acres, and more than 13,000  full-time graduate, undergraduatestudents.

    SDJU now has 6 graduate programs, namely, energy power, international business, electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals, control science and engineering. Currently 43 undergraduate specialties in which engineering accounts for 61%, management and economics account for 33.4%, arts and fine arts account for 5.6% respectively.

    SDJU is among the first nation-wide CDIO pilot universities and the first model universities in Shanghai to further the educational reform for innovation and entrepreneurship.


  • LU, Xionggang
    LU, Xionggang
    Secretary of the CPC Committee, SDJU

    Research interests: comprehensive utilization of metallurgical resources and R&D of new processes, more specifically, new green metallurgical energy development; new methods of pollution-free deoxidation; new technology for metal preparation by short process of oxides; research on electrochemical mechanism of slag-gold reaction; preparations and theoretical studies on electrolyte materials.

    Research Projects: over 30 national, provincial and ministerial projects --- National 973 Project and 863 Project; National “Outstanding Youth” Science Fund; Key National Natural Science Fund; General Fund; Key Basic Projects approved by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.

    Publications and Patents: A monograph published by the Higher Education Press; more than 450 papers published in different journals at home and abroad, and indexed for 640 times by SCI and EI. More than 100 patents applied for and more than 60 authorized.

    Job descriptions: Presiding over the overall work of SDJU Party committee, including Party affairs, Party organization work, united front work, Party school work, veteran cadre work, and inspection work; in charge of the Party Committee Office, the CPC Organization Department (Party School, Veteran Cadre Office), the CPC United Front Department, and the Inspection Office; contacting the School of Marxism and the School of Foreign Languages.

  • GONG, Siyi
    GONG, Siyi
    President and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, SDJU

    Currently a member of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC Committee and vice-chairperson of the Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations.

    Research Interests: Long engaged in education management and international education cooperation, committed to research in the fields of cross-border education, Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, Party building, personnel restructuring, etc;

    Research Projects and Achievements: more than ten projects chosen by the Education Ministry and Shanghai Municipal Authorities; having won the first and second prizes of Shanghai teaching achievements.

    Job descriptions: Presiding over the overall administrative work, including administration, production-education integration, and auditing; in charge of the President’s Office (Production-education Integration Office) and the Auditing Department; contacting the School of Business.

  • 1953
  • 13532
    Full-time Students
  • 258
    International Students
  • 1180
    Campus Area (mu)
  • 1333
  • 1088
  • 1
    Sino-German Cooperative School
  • 1
    Sino-US Cooperative Program
  • 6
    Master Degree Programs
  • 44
    Undergraduate Programs
  • 4
    English Taught Degree Programs