
The 2023 Commencement and Degree Conferral Ceremony


On June 18, the 2023 Shanghai DianJi University Commencement and Degree Conferral Ceremony was held in gymnasium of Lin-gang campus. The ceremony was presided over by Li Xiaojun, Vice Chairperson of SDJU Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, Deputy Secretary of CPC SDJU Committee and Vice President. SDJU leaders, faculty representatives, alumni representatives, graduates of Class 2023 and more than 500 graduates from previous years attended the ceremony.

Compared to previous ones, this year’s commencement was large in scale and diversified in attendees. Graduate students, undergraduates, junior college students, international students, and former graduates celebrated their graduation together. Another characteristic was the complementariness of university ceremony and well-prepared, distinctive, and warm secondary school ceremonies. Besides, it was the first time for SDJU to hold a graduation party, which left a beautiful and unforgettable memory upon all graduates.

Before the ceremony, the medley by SDJU Troupe evoked youthful memories of the audience, and the Fancy Rope Skipping Team’s warm-up performance Flying Rope Dance rendered a savor of youthful excitement. The graduation commemoration video Whispering SDJU Things substantiated campus buildings and objects, played back dribs and drabs of graduates’ growth, and the bygone time was relived and turned into eternal memories. Then, faculty and students stood at attention, looked at the national flag and sang March of Volunteers to the music of solemn national anthem.

Yang Wanfeng, Vice Chairperson of SDJU Academic Degree Evaluation Committee and Vice President read out names of graduating students and degree conferees of 2023 graduates, and then SDJU leaders and members of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee turned the tassels of graduates and conferred degree certificates on them.

Among the graduates, many finished studies with honors. Yang Junjie, SDJU Vice President announced outstanding graduates of Class 2023, and then they were awarded with certificates and honor sashes.

Four outstanding graduate representatives (one graduate student, one undergraduate, one junior college student and one international student) from different schools, carefully created and rehearsed a poem Chasing Dreams in SDJU and Creating the Future Together, and their recitation on the stage expressed graduates’ gratitude to alma mater, their firm belief of carving out bright future, and their hope to share all wonders.

The Class of 2023 spent three weeks making a 37.01-meter scroll called Footprint, as a parting and 70th anniversary gift to their alma mater. The scroll consists of 70 pictures regarding the growth and development of SDJU, representing the deep affection of 3,701 graduates.

Lu Xionggang, Secretary of CPC SDJU Committee, and Yu Zhonghai, the 1st president of SDJU Lin-gang New Area Alumni Station and executive vice president of Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society, unveiled alumni station together. SDJU will take this opportunity to contribute more for the construction of Lin-gang New Area.

Ater SDJU Chief Accountant Zhang Chuan read out the alumni liaison list of 2023 graduates, SDJU President Gong Siyi presented representatives liaisons letters of appointment, hoping that they could serve as the bridge between SDJU and graduates.

Then, Professor Ji Wenbin from School of Arts and Sciences, a Distinguished Teacher of Shanghai and first prize winner of Teaching Contest for Junior Teachers of Shanghai Universities, spoke as faculty representative. He hoped all graduates seize the moment, live up to their youth, keep a balanced mindset, value experiencing, put up and shine SDJU’s golden signboard of “Cradle of Excellent Field Engineers”.

Zeng Huan, an alumnus from class of 2006 and general manager of Huarui Charging (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd., spoke as representative of outstanding alumni. By sharing his growth experience, he hoped students to open horizons, work hard, be grateful, and always remember the value of passing on heritage.

In her speech, SDJU President Gong Siyi affectionately looked back some of the major national and SDJU breakthroughs in recent years, and fully affirmed the excellent performance of 2023 graduates. In her special last lesson, President Gong inspired everyone to think about the real purpose of education and what one should gain from university education. President Gong then made clear the purpose of education is self-reliance, and she expected students to view self-reliance as the cornerstone of personal growth and success, serve our country in self-improvement, shoulder the responsibility of the era, strive forward in pursuit of dreams, and value practical work. She also expected graduates to exert themselves in tenacious struggles, pursue excellence in ordinary positions, and integrate personal development into achieving national prosperity and national rejuvenation.

After President Gong’s speech, Lu Xionggang, Secretary of CPC SDJU Committee, presented flags to representatives of 2023 graduates, hoping graduates to bloom the flowers of youth in places where the motherland needs it most.

At last, all graduates solemnly swore an oath of commitment and sang school song. The commencement and degree conferral ceremony ended successfully in the song Wish You All the Best. With reluctance, fondness and well-wishes, all attending SDJU leaders and teachers watched the graduates embarking on a new journey.