Classroom Teaching Back to Normal for International Students


“Glad to be back!” On March 29th, after a 14 day tracking of personal health, 104 SDJU international students eagerly returned to campus and started their “off-line” campus life.

To better prevent and control pandemic, SDJU made special plans in this semester for these international students, and decided to have 4-week online teaching before they came back school for synchronous classroom teaching.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, online teaching for international students had lasted for a year. Teachers overcame difficulties and adopted various teaching methods such as live streaming, video recording and online communication. However, due to its innate limitation, the overall effect of online teaching proved not as good as classroom teaching. Considering this, SDJU decided to, on the premise of ensuring campus safety, resume classroom teaching for international students. Meanwhile, for those who were still abroad, Tencent conference and other screen recording methods were still used for their online teaching.

Before the return of international students, staff and faculty involved carried out a series of testing and trials, installed cameras and debugged software to ensure the smooth synchronous online and classroom teaching.During the first four weeks, Ren Yuan from the School of Electronics and Information Engineering traveled between Lingang and Minhang campuses, pioneering, exploring, optimizing, breaking through difficulties, and finally making possible the synchronous teaching.

With strong support and through cooperation of involved departments, a two-way teaching for international students, whether on campus or studying abroad, integrating online live streaming and classroom recording was made possible.

“I'm really happy coming back on SDJU campus, to see my teachers and classmates. I hope we all work hard and make greater progress this semester!” The returning international students were in high spirits.Now with teaching went back to normal, SDJU was determined to continue pandemic prevention measures and strived to improve teaching quality.