In compliance with requirements of 2021 Epidemic Prevention and Control (EPC) and with a view to making sure the smooth unfolding of winter vacation, SDJU Epidemic Prevention and Control Group (EPCG) initiated a drill at 10 a.m. on January 28.
Drawing on experience of 2020, EPCG members and relevant school departments repeatedly discussed and careful prepared the final drilling plan. President Hu Sheng, Deputy Secretary and Vice President Li Xiaojun, Vice President Wang Zhiheng, as well as teachers and students involved took part.
The drill was fully rehearsed from six aspects, including school gate control, dormitory door control, canteen control, handling of student with high temperature, lab control and storage of supplies. This drill further specifies duties of coordinating school departments, refines contingency plan, perfects and standardizes procedure of EPC to ensure joint, collaborative and effective efforts for safety of SDJU students and the faculty.