Teach-in-English (TiEn) Faculty Training Program


This syllabus may be revised based on the input from Shanghai Dianji University or participants.

Spring 2017 semester schedule

This program consists of eight two-hour sessions.  There will be two sessions per week for four weeks.  Each week, the sessions will be scheduled as follows:  Tuesday 14:10-16:00 and Friday 14:10-15:50.





Tuesday 14th March 2017 – 14:10 to 16:00

Lingang Campus Library Room 311


Friday 17th March 2017 – 14:10 to 15:50


Tuesday 21st March 2017 – 14:10 to 16:00


Friday 24th March 2017 – 14:10 to 15:50


Tuesday 28th March 2017 – 14:10 to 16:00


Friday 7th April 2017 – 14:10 to 15:50


Tuesday 11th April 2017 – 14:10 to 16:00


Friday 14th April 2017 – 14:10 to 15:50

Instructor: Donna Wong     

Program Description

This program provides training for Shanghai Dianji University faculty members who a) plan to teach in English, b) aspire to upgrade their teaching skills, and/or c) aim to improve their English communication skills.  

The TiEn faculty training program has multiple segments.   The first segment will be offered in the spring of 2017 focusing on course design and learning activities.  The topics will include active learning model of instruction, course design methodology, establishing learning goals, and effective learning activities.  We will exam different types of learning activities such as lecture, group work, case study, debate, and brain storming.

Participants practice speaking and communicating in English throughout the course.    Experience sharing and networking are valuable parts of the learning experience offered through this course.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Upgrade teaching effectiveness

  • Enhance English language skills

  • Gain confidence in delivering courses in English.

Course Pre-requisites

  • Recommended English level:  intermediate or above

  • Proficient in word processing and presentation software

Course Format

The sessions will be interactive with approximately 25% lectures and 75% learning activities.   The course material, communications, and assignments will be entirely in English.  Participants will communicate using English throughout the course.